Join us to create a flower arrangement with Grandview Farm at the library on Thursday, September 7th at 5:00 PM. This class can accommodate up to 20 teens & adults, registration is required. Please call the library to sign up. (270-358-3851)
"Pop" into the library to create a popcorn mosaic on Friday, September 8th at 3:00. Please call the library to register for this program, for teens and adults.
Create Garden Fairy Wand Stakes using beads, drawer knobs, and a long screw - all a beautiful "wand" of your own design! Please call the library to register for this class, taught by Larinda DeSpain. This class is designed for patrons 12+ (middle school & teens) and spots are limited.
Join us on Thursday, September 21st @ 5:00pm for a Wire Trees craft (this isn't the exact design, but it will be similar) taught by Christie Huffer! Class limit of 15. Call to sign up. Teens & Adults
"Witch" part of Fall is your favorite? Larinda DeSpain will be sharing her talents with us once again to make a fun Halloween decoration! Friday, September 29th @ 3:00pm. Teens & Adults. Call to Sign-Up!